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Are You or Your Family Taking Over the Counter Meds (Drugs)?

Did you know that Chiropractic care is currently the largest drug-free health care choice of the people? It is also one of the safest choices for you and your family. Why are we telling you this? Because in our 20 plus years of experience, the majority of people are taking some form of medications.

Whether it’s taking ibuprofen for aches and pains, antibiotics for ear infections, allergy medicine for hay fever/pollen, steroids/cortisone for joint/low back pains or “the pill” for birth control. These days, very few people are completely drug free.

So, what’s the problem with that? Well, taking medications can actually cause a tremendous amount of problems for our health. You’ve heard the pharmaceutical ads, the side effects are sometimes worse than the original symptoms they are trying to help. Here a few of the statistics we feel you should know:

Did You Know?

Medication errors in hospitals alone account for more than 7,000 deaths per year.

Adverse reactions to medications are responsible for more than 200,000 deaths per year.

So to go back to our original question: Is your family taking Meds/Drugs? You can see the reason for our concern. Most people are not aware of these devastating statistics. If you are trying to regain your health naturally, do not minimize your results by taking drugs. A lifestyle with chiropractic care, therapeutic exercises, healthy eating and whole food supplements are the safe and practical way to better health.

May you enjoy health in a drug free environment the way that God planned it.

“The Doctor of the future will give NO medicine., but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame… and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison

Dr. Jeanette Altieri Dr. Jeanette Altieri is a licensed Chiropractor serving the Lawrenceville community for more than 20 years.She is certified in the Webster technique, a safe and gentle technique for turning breech babies, with specialty areas in Nutrition, Pediatrics, and Pregnancy. She is an international speaker, speaking to chiropractors, their families and staff about the care of infants, children, pregnancy and motivation. She also co-hosted a local radio talk show, “Health Talk,” to help educate people on the benefits of alternative therapies and wellness.

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